
Lasell at 11:24 pm with the windows open

New baby next door: short sharp wailing then screaming then muffled murmuring as my neighbor settles into her new thrifted rocking chair, baby latched to breast
Beep-beep of air conditioner being turned on-then-up and the window rattling down
Low rumbling thunder and wind swishing through garden
A/C compressor and the baby is utterly quiet. I haven't met it yet but she's been so heavily pregnant for so long, always smiling a weary smile. Tomorrow I'll go over and see if there's anything they need -- other than about a week's sleep.


poem, you

The godly might, Land of the sahara
desert? into two halves, north and
sky. is left as an epsilon.
Alternative method:Observe that
one planet, guiding me downstairs. I canna do
You and pleasures,
too, This darkest hour
of the sahara desert? Split the
Just Seen a Joke:How do
it I wings on my Life
September 13th, 2006 Not even
halfway through I a few more hours go back to
flee, bid the light, Land of
Bookshelf Overheard
Comments while
at work:and
back to the door.
The wretched west and west, and back
Got a winged bird, And
not even halfway through I would fly
Bostonward O blessed
sight! Were
I take off my
sidewalk is breezy cool blue.


A reading for midnight:

The reader. February 1st, 2007 Midnight. 2
Such a job
with a good books worth of
stove: Just Seen
few more hours go back
to the same. Simple convergence problems in
the good books worth
of the Elizabethan era.
To rid yourself of envy and sin
mix honey with tobacco

-- Cuban folksong

Shisha smoke on lakeshore breeze and desert wind.