
It's not erotica by my book, Nick, but it's really fucking good.

"C'est sa mort ou la mienne qui m'est annoncee!" Mais je ne sais pourquoi j'en restai a la dernier supposition, et je me frappai de cette idee, que ce devait etre le lendemain a la meme heure. -- G. Nerval


Beginning my studies, the first step pleas’d me so much,
The mere fact, consciousness—these forms—the power of motion,
The least insect or animal—the senses—eyesight—love;
The first step, I say, aw’d me and pleas’d me so much,
I have hardly gone, and hardly wish’d to go, any farther,
But stop and loiter all the time, to sing it in extatic songs.

-- Uncle Walt
Je n'aime pas:
chagriner dans mes poignets
matins interminables
visiter étudiants des yeshivas
fait taire entre les amis
votre attitude

les nuits quand l'air sent comme l'automne dans l'été
les jours dans la rêverie heureuse avec un certain sommelier
le thé de monnaie
The Montreal Mirror


The poems aren't working.


Home away from home.

New Year

Who ever saw a new year, a new morning, all on its own?

Why! You yourself are polluting
each day, that source of mystery,
and just turning it into coal-black waste:

who ever saw a tattered day, a worn-out hour?

If you are not made new
you cannot welcome the new morning as new,
you can never welcome the new day as new;

if your heart's simplicity is once able to bloom,
then you can live the new year as new.

-- Ku Sang