
a hazy, lazy hour

between work and stressful dinner (sorry, bebe):

Heat: 95 degrees. Humidity: 90%. Sidney says we should go swimming. She is a genius, this woman. The water was delicious, the light beautiful, and the jumping-over-the-waterfall -- yes! -- was absolutely worth it.

Sidney prepares for flight

Next time we'll pack a dinner and stay 'til the sun goes down.


Update. What an Orwellian word.

Calendar is now added to right-side links. Just looking at it makes me tired. Those blank spaces are committed to events not yet noted. It'll be a long few months before October.

Flickr account is not melting; my Pro account expired, so my available display space went away. All photos are still on server, and will reappear when funds are replenished.

I am scheduled for work all through Tisha B'Av. This is not okay. It is not okay that I was unaware of the coming dates, a result of my lapsed practice. It is even less okay that I feel the need to prioritize twelve hours' earning over rescheduling. I think I'll go over there now.


When you pray, you are like a bed of coals.
After prayer, so long as a single spark remains,
A great fire can be kindled again.
But if that spark dies, there can be no fire.
Cling to G-d always,
Even at times when you feel unable to reach G-d.
This is how you may preserve that single spark,
So that the fire of your soul is never extinguished.

-- Likutim Yekarim 15b


Sunday Morning

The mullah wore beautiful shoes
Celery pickers don't get enough calories
Ice or snow arriving every Friday
In the western desert they paint pilgrimages on houses
The average Joe merits how many acres of junk mail
An eighteen-wheeler could potentially accordion as many cars
I wonder if they'll ever get that novelist
They're thinking of making the street one-way
The ice skaters are sharpening their blades
The public holds onto their hats, their stocks, their president
Downtown cannot be saved by skate-boarders
The latest storm hits elsewhere and on Thursday
Unnamed sources might just kneecap the reporters
Truck stop chapel does booming business
Another smiling athlete sees flashing metal
How much land was lost and where did it go
Finally, ripe tomatoes in mid-winter
Do you think we'll have a war

-- Ellen Doré Watson