
Until I find the will to redo it, welcome to the black-and-white Blank Slate edition of matchgirl. The reason existentialists in Paris and beat poets in New York wore black all the time was that it saved money on laundry. I wonder what we artsy depressed students would be wearing if it was cheaper to wear bright yellow...


Today I scrawled a little poem on the left wall of the second stall of the women's bathroom at Cooper Hall, just for fun. I think I'll make that a continuing practice. The world needs a little more random poetry; besides, those pink walls shouldn't be as bare as they are. I don't know what's on the walls in the guy's bathrooms (I haven't been inside in a while - it's about time I took a field trip), but at any given time I can look up and to the right and read things like, "Stop corporate globalization!" -- "make your own clothes!" -- "stop writing on these walls (???)" -- and the ever popular, "I heart/love/[jerky male's name] 4Ever!" Of course, my campus might just be strange.
Oh look! The layout is the same! This just won't do.


Working on it.


I'll be moving from bluegirl to this address very soon. Having tried various free-hosting services, I think I'll just bite the bullet and use this until I can support a domain of my own. Grrr.