Inscrutable is from Late Latin
inscrutabilis, from Latin in-, "not" + Late Latin
scrutabilis, "searchable," from Latin scrutari,
"to search through, to examine thoroughly (as if rummaging the trash or a heap of discarded garments)," from scruta, "trash, rags." The noun form is inscrutability. It is related to scrutiny, "careful examination."
I love it.
(One more time:
RWU, land of the free)
I'm sick of love. Ok, I love love.
I haven't, though, done a very good job
of being in love or of being loved.
No doubt my parents are to blame yet
I love them. Shabby and expectant,
that's how I've been. Heartless and
cruel, self-absorbed, possessive.
A provider of nothing but charm.
Sometimes some Haagen-Dazs.
I'm a complete washout of the
French New Wave, whose movies
promised my eager generation
a lifetime in bed talking with
beautiful, intriguing partners.
I've lost my sense of humor and
what sensitivity those movies told
me was worth suffering for.
It's gone. I can't find it for looking.
All a big lie too's the shame of it.
I regret it all. A youth misspent.
Hung out with the wrong people,
clung to all the wrong obsessions,
adopted a stance to support all
these cranky excuses for belief.
And love, love was supposed to
be the center, the iron girder,
the permeable doily of a shared
and trusting exploration.
Instead, someone I loved called
me a sexist. Me, who thought women
were perfect, unquestionably.
So perfect I wanted to own one.
In the twilit night of this city's
dense enchantments and disenchantments,
perhaps I've learnt to recognize
that assuming is as brainless as
American consumerism. And this is how
I will find love. My number at work is
-- Greg Masters