
"Bebe mi vino de amor
besos de kerosina
volvierdo el mar en infierno!"
And the sky is blue and righteous in every direction.
The sun is total and burning and just right there, and today is a beautiful day.
Testing, testing, one, two ---

--Chuck Palahniuk, Survivor


I have to stop reading the news.

18 in gang rape case plead guilty to lesser charges

"This is not a case of terrible forceful gang rape," said Cobb County District Attorney Pat Head. ... "A jury could conclude that she is accommodating them," Head said. ... The girl had an IQ of about 65 and spent years in special education classes, according to court records.

Not today not today not today not today not today.
Be the first on your block to have the Nuclear Proliferation card deck- featuring the names and faces of world leaders with nuclear weapons under their control. Anyone want to guess who the Ace of Spades is?


PDF format, suitable for printing and producing your own deck of nuclear proliferation cards!
May Day!

May Day!

May Day!

...unless you're in the USofA and then it's "M'aidez!" Mr. Bush has attempted to negate any heathen or pinko connotations associated with May the first and has instead declared today - ready? - Loyalty Day.

To be an American is not a matter of blood or birth. Our citizens are bound by ideals that represent the hope of all mankind: that all men are created equal, endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. On Loyalty Day, we reaffirm our allegiance to our country and resolve to uphold the vision of our Forefathers.

Our founding principles have endured, guiding our Nation toward progress and prosperity and allowing the United States to be a leader among nations of the world. Throughout our history, honorable men and women have demonstrated their loyalty to America by making remarkable sacrifices to preserve and protect these values.

Today, America's men and women in uniform are protecting our Nation, defending the peace of the world, and advancing the cause of liberty. The world has seen again the fine character of our Nation through our military as they fought to protect the innocent and liberate the oppressed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. We are honored by the service of foreign nationals in our Armed Services whose willingness to risk their lives for a country they cannot yet call their own is proof of the loyalty this country inspires. Their service and sacrifice are a testament to their love for America, and our soldiers' honor on and off the battlefield reaffirms our Nation's most deeply held beliefs: that every life counts, and that all humans have an unalienable right to live as free people.

These values must be imparted to each new generation. Our children need to know that our Nation is a force for good in the world, extending hope and freedom to others. By learning about America's history, achievements, ideas, and heroes, our young citizens will come to understand even more why freedom is worth protecting.

I have no comment at this time.
Here's hoping there's money for college in here somewhere... I love you, Lo.

"I pull my team from the front, instead of pushing from the back. In my line of work, the ability to think on your feet and make the right decision can mean the difference between life and death." (Laura Fagen on teamwork and leadership)

My sister Laura, though four years younger than I, has been role model for me in many ways. At three years old, she had packed her lunchbox and was ready to join her big sister at school; now, at seventeen, she packs her medical bag and prepares daily to respond to emergencies, fight fires, and save lives. Last Christmas, a woman was hit by a car outside our home late at night. Laura responded in seconds: flying up the stairs to grab her bag, assessing and treating the victim’s injuries, and staying on the scene until the paramedics had come and gone. She is always ready to seize an opportunity to help.

Five years ago, at age 12, Laura became a member of the Civil Air Patrol. Her love of flying drew her to CAP, but search and rescue stole her heart. Laura trained in radio operation, flight, ground search, medical aid, and emergency leadership; she became the squad medic and gained responsibility for other cadets as she rose in rank. Her involvement with CAP led Laura to the Enfield, Connecticut Volunteer Fire Department. The more Laura has learned, the more focused she has become on a career in emergency services; she plans to use her training in Emergency Management, which she will pursue at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Laura recently trained at the Connecticut Fire Academy, and is counting down the days until she is of age to work toward her EMT certification. She relentlessly pursues these goals, spending her free time studying, practicing, and instructing in her areas of expertise.

Though she is one of only three women in a fire department of 50, Laura is trusted and capable – a commanding presence at the station and on the fire scene. She is frequently one of the few women in the traditionally male fields of military, medical, and fire rescue operations. She constantly strives to bring more women into the fire department and CAP. Setting an example of leadership and integrity, Laura’s tenacity and achievement engender respect from superiors and subordinates alike.

While she serves the larger community through her work in the CAP and the fire department, Laura is dedicated to her immediate community as well. She uses her technical skills improving and maintaining homes with the Americares Homefront organization, aiding her elderly and physically challenged neighbors. Even with her active involvement in the St. Patrick’s Church youth group and her job as a community lifeguard, Laura maintains her grades in honors and AP classes and will graduate this year from Cathedral High School in Springfield, Massachussets.

Possessed of clear vision, strength of character, a pioneering spirit, and dedication to her community, Laura Fagen is the embodiment of today’s Total Woman.

Now paging through News from Nowhere, found via Mike - a random happen-upon from Blogger's recently-updated list. Also reading J. Sunshine because of shewhomIknewas Erendira and it's light grey and misty, sad Rochester weather. Dingy drippy dirty. Where is my tropical storm? Maybe this weekend. Maybe sunshine. Maybe not.


What gods can exceed these that clasp me by the hand, and with
   voices I love call me promptly and loudly by my nighest name as
What is more subtle than this which ties me to the woman or man that
   looks in my face?
Which fuses me into you now, and pours my meaning into you?

We understand then do we not?
What I promis'd without mentioning it, have you not accepted?
What the study could not teach-what the preaching could not
   accomplish is accomplish'd, is it not?

Oh, Walt.
HTML Lesson #42: The only legitimate use of the greatly loathed <blink> tag.

Schroedinger's Cat is <BLINK>NOT</BLINK> dead.

Choose the butterfly over the cocoon.
Choose light, the ballroom, the well-lit restaurant.

You have for lifetimes strummed minor chords
on the coast of a dead sea. Think major, spindrift.

The sex between you and grief is becoming mechanical.

Despite your vestigial sentiments to the contrary,
a scab's story is much greater than that of a scar.

Your cock is not an umbilical cord, it is your
heart's mouthpiece. Choose sunrise, please.

It is time to do something that might cause
embarrassment. Let emptiness mother your child.

Put away the map, where we're going won't be on it.

There is nothing particularly inspiring about a death wish.

You have learned all there is to learn from the woman in black.

It is time to stop insulting ecstasy. Masochism
is an empty udder. What was is a cipher. Pick
the rose over the injured dove. Pick warm waters.

Attend a circus. Go for the comic. There is nothing
more mediocre than the association of dysfunction with genius.

Indulge in color. Believe me, there is not a problem.
Plumb bright places for new symbols.

Recommendation: study evergreens.
Find me. We have much to talk about.

--John Amen, from the recent issue of Sometimes City

I hope that when I am dead no-one feels it necessary to read, much less write about, my miserable adolescent angst.


South Carolina allowed to catalogue data on women seeking abortions

Whee. Florida, you're next. If the repercussions of this case make it to Tallahassee, there will be no further need to legislate adoption-slash-gruesome-fetus scare sessions at women's clinics; Jeb can simply make the information as public as possible and let the Operation Rescue members do their thing. I think I'll go blow my Planned Parenthood membership card up to about 8-1/2 x 11 and put it in the window.
Of course, OR is fond of issuing articles like this one:
Homosexuality, Islam, and abortion have something in common. They are three different colored gloves covering the same fist.

Gotta get me a pair of pink gloves.
The defendant will be remanded to the bailiff and fresh mint in sparkling water
and fresh lime so nice serve 2-4 years in the county correctional institution
new mowed lawn a hammock kids playing in a sprinkler and Cañon City or until
such time as the defense carefree beautiful woman entwined sand fruits sunshine
can see no reason for leniency in this case considering candlelight red wine a
caeser salad all in sparkling an example to others who might likewise be tempted
to friends and women's lips dogs canaries hips and as for you, Miss, will you
please rise and face the tranquility and all its charm & all blessed in privacy

-- Morphine, The Jury
This is all wrong.

Gone savage
for teenagers with automatic weapons and
boundless love
gone savage for teenagers who are aesthetically pleasing
in other words
Los Angeles beckons the teenagers to come to her on buses;
Los Angeles loves

(screenwriter's blues)

Living in the earth-deposits of our history

Today a backhoe divulged out of a crumbling flank of earth
one bottle amber perfect a hundred-year-old
cure for fever or melancholy a tonic
for living on this earth in the winters of this climate.

Today I was reading about Marie Curie:
she must have known she suffered from radiation sickness
her body bombarded for years by the element
she had purified
It seems she denied to the end
the source of the cataracts on her eyes
the cracked and suppurating skin of her finger-ends
till she could no longer hold a test-tube or a pencil

She died a famous woman denying
her wounds
her wounds came from the same source as her power.

--Adrienne Rich


wherelings whenlings
(daughters of ifbut offspring of hopefear
sons of unless and children of almost)
never shall guess the dimension of

him whose
foot likes the
here of this earth

whose both
this now of the sky

-endlings of isn't
shall never
to begin to

imagine how(only are shall be were
dawn dark rain snow rain
-bow &

's whis-
in sunset

or thrushes toward dusk among whippoorwills or
tree field rock hollyrock forest brook chickadee
mountain. Mountain)
whycoloured worlds of because do

not stand against yes which is built by
forever & sunsmell
(sometimes a wonder
of wild roses

with north
the barn


Deja-vu of soul-delay.



William - and William - I hear you. (Read. See? Mentally translate. And it all breaks down into pixel and lightwave and scillia vibration and cultural reverb, oh shoot me in the head with cyberpunk lit crit already.) My, people come and go so quickly here... I tried to fall asleep in a field of poppies last night and I got for it long wandering dreams and four hours. Wide awake! wide awake. People are drifting back into my life with all the slow floating grace of teenaged streetracers on meth.

(Must be summer. Hush. worms.)