My great-grandma Eva died on Sunday morning. I haven't said anything of importance for days. In my head I am sitting on the floor with my shoes off and the mirrors covered; not that it makes any difference, I've been lighting candles by myself anyway and I've never known what prayers to say. This is the stunning deafness of a thoughtless daughter of a thoughtless daughter of a daughter long a memory.
This following a long lazy post-tofu-pot-pie Thanksgiving, full of solitude and time alone and time not-alone but happy. Lonely, but not most of the time. The prospect of the next few weeks exhausts me in advance. Drained and headachy, verge of whiny... hopefully the gettingridofanyfreetimeremaining interview this afternoon will get me on the track to productive writing, evenings home with books and MWord, generally Getting Work Done.
Breakfast this morning: chased down Tuesday's birth control pill with Diet Coke. Who am I? Jesus.
This following a long lazy post-tofu-pot-pie Thanksgiving, full of solitude and time alone and time not-alone but happy. Lonely, but not most of the time. The prospect of the next few weeks exhausts me in advance. Drained and headachy, verge of whiny... hopefully the gettingridofanyfreetimeremaining interview this afternoon will get me on the track to productive writing, evenings home with books and MWord, generally Getting Work Done.
Breakfast this morning: chased down Tuesday's birth control pill with Diet Coke. Who am I? Jesus.
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