
with love to marketsquare:
naamah ran the Nicene Creed through French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese online translators.


Let us create a God with a big father,
the manufacturer of the air, and the mass seen by all, (i.e. and invisibly).

We do not believe, gentleman, in a Mr. Jesus Christ,
the lonely Son of God,
eternally cultivated by the Father,
the god of the god, the light of the light
God to align the God,
cultivated, not completed,
identical to the Father.
Through it all things were manufactured.
For us and ours it climbed down from the sky.
By the energy of the alcohol
the virgin Mary was made man.
For the interest, it crucified Pontius Pilate;
it suffered the dead woman and was embedded.
On the third day it waived itself and still renounced the scriptures; it is put straight up in the sky and is the game in the hand of the father.
He will come again to return the game, in order to judge the active and the inoperative, and his kingdom will have no extremity.

We believe in the holy alcohol,
giver of life,
which has broken from the father and from the threads, the gentlemen.
With the father and the threads he is honored and improved.
The Prophets spoke through him.
We believe and apostolic the saint Catholic Church.
We recognize a baptism for leaving the sins on.
We try the resurrection of the dead ones and the world,
in order that living may come.

Amen. This will be showcased as "found" at the next incarnation of Atomic Age, with a nod to Joe the bartender.

(From object_holder:
We recognize a baptism for leaving the sins on.
"That outfit makes you look like a whore. No, don't you take it off!!"


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