
Please tell me the cockney "'Elios" is Garfinkle's and not yours.

Garfinkle’s view depicts two seemingly disparate and irreconcilable cultures coming together for the benefit of something more than their ideas of the world. It’s sf like this that seems necessary in a polarized world like ours.

Something more? Like what?

You keep transcending those ossified orders, I'll keep building them, and the world will keep turning; it needs us both. Our metaphysics are good for us.

But then, on dualism and materialism as humanisms, there's dear John.


Good wee must love, and must hate ill,
For ill is ill, and good good still,
But there are things indifferent,
Which wee may neither hate, nor love,
But one, and then another prove,
As wee shall finde our fancy bent.

If then at first wise Nature had
Made women either good or bad,
Then some wee might hate, and some chuse,
But since shee did them so create,
That we may neither love, nor hate,
Onely this rest, All, all may use.

If they were good it would be seene,
Good is as visible as greene,
And to all eyes it selfe betrayes,
If they were bad, they could not last,
Bad doth it selfe, and others wast,
So, they deserve nor blame, nor praise.

But they are ours as fruits are ours,
He that but tasts, he that devours,
And he that leaves all, doth as well,
Chang'd loves are but chang'd sorts or meat,
And when he hath the kernel eate,
Who doth not fling away the shell?

On that note, a re-watching of both Ghost in the Shell movies is on for this week. It's a golden spring this time around. Direct -- univalent. Letter-less. Thank you.


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