
Artistic Talent: Smoking, obituary-writing, bathtub-cleaning, heart-breaking.
Birthplace: Rochester, New York.
Career Aspirations at Age 6: A lost year.
Dreams, Recurring: Walking down forever streets, through alleys and endless corridors, in and out of cafés and shops shops can't stop until I find... whomever it is I'm looking for.
Elementary School, name of: St. Joseph School, Enfield Connecticut.
Fabrics and Materials, favorite to wear on body: Water.
Gym, work out at one?: Hand, one, can count excursions on.
Happy Memory: First year out, long snarly pink curls, dark and loud, long and thin and spiky and blonde, Bjork and a cigarette, two drinks, she and her camera bag.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Gregarious introvert.
Jewelry/Trinkets Worn Regularly: Glasses.
Killer App, Favorite: Torture.
Latest Book Read: She's Come Undone, Wally Lamb. Fuck Oprah - it's good.
Medications (Rx), regular: Currently abstaining.
Nickname(s), current: No.
Operating System of Choice (for desktop): Mac OS X.
Pets, current: 2 cats: Charlie and Cleo. Foster-care. Thank you.
Queer?: Sporadically when not celibate. Sigh.
Role Models, current: Wind.
Sleepwear, typical: Winter: Flannel pants and t-shirt. Summer: Nix the flannel. Sporadically: Nada.
University Degree(s): Ps.A.* in English poetry, S.S.* in philosophy and political theory.
Virginity, age lost at: Is there a gradient?
Weather, favorite: Cool fall days on the edge of rain. I enjoy stealing Burke's answers.
X-e's you're on speaking terms with, numbers/percentage of: 50%
Yard/Rummage Sales, do you go?: When leisure permits and interest upholds; not often.
Zen Moments: Yardwork, late-late-night running; that "oh my god I've been coding since dinnertime and it's sunrise" feeling.


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