
Interview questions posed by epanastatis:

1. Why do you detest the word "meme"?

I don't detest the word. I do detest its memetic adoption and use in LJ quizzes, un-sticky catchphrases, and short-lived lists a la Wired.

2. If I'm not mistaken, you live in Florida. Having been raised in Florida, my attitude towards the place is that it is "hell, flattened out." Would you agree with this? If so, why? If not, why not?

3. You describe yourself as an "anarcho capitalist." [from title of my own LJ - Ed.] As you probably suspect, as a Marxist I belive the existence of a repressive state authority to be essential to the maintenance of the economic hegemony of a capitalist class. Therefore, your self-description appears oxymoronic to me. Please attempt to justify it, in the most rational terms that are true to your professed ideology.

While I answer that: Liberty vs. Democracy (NY Times)

4. How much of Finnegan's Wake have you managed to read? State this in terms of the percentage of unique pages you have completed.

Who do you no tonigh, lazy and gentleman?
The echo is where in the back of the wodes; callhim forth!"

Fifty per-cent of page one and another half of page 126.. I don't care about your humptytumptytoes, Jim.
(I read books from the beginning-of-the-middle to the end-of-the-middle and then from the first page.)

5. The same final question I asked springheel_jack: if we were to have occasion to meet each other in person, how long do you think we could stand each other? (I think this is going to become my standard question for those LJ-interviewees whom I know enough about to find at least mildly intriguing enough to be curious about eventual, hypothetical, in-person meetings.)

Bets on how many of these I will complete by day's end should be taken before noon and emailed to me. In case of near-midnight finish, House takes it.

I used to write lots of letters to editors and senators; every now and then it got a response. Are you out there, Jim? This is important. At least these guys tried.

(Your staff aides are very nice, by the way.)


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