Shir hama'alot, b'shuv adonai
et shivat tzi'yon, hayinu k'cholmim
Az yimalei s'chok pinu ulshoneinu rina
Az yomru vagoyim
hig'dil adonai la'asot im eileh.
Hig'dil adonai la'asot imanu hayinu s'meichim
Shuva adonai et sh'viteinu ka'afikim banegev.
Hazor'im b'dim'a b'rina yik'tzoru.
Haloch yei'leich `uvacho nosei meshech hazara
bo'yavo (yavo) v'rina nosei alumotav.
Chag sameach a bit late, for you members of the tribe.
Saw new Cronenberg film Spider. Quiet, slow in a good way, subtle - this is not a screaming-breaking-killing descent into madness, but rather the breakdown of that madness. Ralph Fiennes' continuous but barely audible mumble speaks louder and more clearly than any spoken dialogue. Worth seeing.
(More on broken-time narratives, visual cues, following child self, webs, glass, language - later. And the writing, the illegible wordless journal! How do we create our history etc.)
et shivat tzi'yon, hayinu k'cholmim
Az yimalei s'chok pinu ulshoneinu rina
Az yomru vagoyim
hig'dil adonai la'asot im eileh.
Hig'dil adonai la'asot imanu hayinu s'meichim
Shuva adonai et sh'viteinu ka'afikim banegev.
Hazor'im b'dim'a b'rina yik'tzoru.
Haloch yei'leich `uvacho nosei meshech hazara
bo'yavo (yavo) v'rina nosei alumotav.
Chag sameach a bit late, for you members of the tribe.
Saw new Cronenberg film Spider. Quiet, slow in a good way, subtle - this is not a screaming-breaking-killing descent into madness, but rather the breakdown of that madness. Ralph Fiennes' continuous but barely audible mumble speaks louder and more clearly than any spoken dialogue. Worth seeing.
(More on broken-time narratives, visual cues, following child self, webs, glass, language - later. And the writing, the illegible wordless journal! How do we create our history etc.)

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