
Someone paid to take the ads off this site and the old site. I love you! I have a hunch as to whom it might be... you get tacklehugged when I see you next, dearie. (Or is it dearies?) I know to hug brandon for the bluegirl... *happiness*
The old battered brown i am a little black raincloud/get any closer and i'll eat you journalbook was laid to rest last night in a shower of sparklers and Ani lyrics. It was one very special retirement party, and I'm grateful to William and Sarrah for helping me pay homage to what has been my best book ever. I'm sorry to see it go, and might still keep it around for a while - at least until the move. In the meantime, brown book is being succeeded by black artbook, who has quite valiantly taken on the task and got off to a damp and dreary start on the 6th. Last night I dreamed an entire story and I have no clear sentences left.. maybe I should stick to film and not the page.

I still sing to you in my sleep, and give you the odd sly grin while I'm alone. What do you call an atheist who prays?


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