
Slow traffic means more time looking out the window.
From "Rachel Fagen/GIS/CSC"
To "Mills, Sidney L."
No fast lane in central CT, that's fer sher. Took nigh unto 45 min, mostly waiting to exit onto 3. Next time I'll know to leave by seven. Pretty drive, though -- and I saw quail! Itty black and brown and blue bobbleheaded quail, Momma and babies. The little blessings of slow traffic.


Going where the car
went but under, not
through the guardrail,
a caravan of quail
hazards a mountain road:
mom, five chicks then
dad in near-comic
triple-time, parents
warily swiveling
apostrophed heads,
little ones in
linearity's thrall. Mid-
step and breath,
you watch them
family-find the green
fabric of a June re-
stitching itself
after being torn.

-- Dore Kiesselbach


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