
The Role of Society in the Artist

Society sent me this invitation to go to
hell and
delighted not to be overlooked I thought

I could make arrangements to accommodate
it and went off
where, however, I

did the burning by myself, developing
fortunately some fairly thick shields
against blazing and some games

one of which was verse by which I used
illusion to put the flames out,
turning flares into mirrors

of seeming: society
attracted to this bedazzlement wanted me
to acknowledge how it had been

largely responsible and I said oh yes it gave
me the language by which to send me
clear invitations and society

designated me of social value and lifted me
out of hell so I could better share
paradisal paradigms with it

and it said isn't it generous
of society to let you walk here
far from hell---society does this because

it likes your keen sense of acquired sight
& word: how wonderful of you to say so, I said,
and took some of whatever was being

passed around but every night went out
into the forest to spew fire
that blazoned tree trunks and set

stumps afire and society found me out there
& warmed itself and said it liked my unconventional
verses best & I invited society to go to hell

-- A.R. Ammons


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